

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Our support team deals with photographers all day, every day. We know how people struggle with technology. And we think the software that professionals use can be part of the problem… making things worse, not better. How does this make sense? - Hosting your images with one provider, but your website somewhere else. Creating customer websites with a third provider, and mobile apps with a fourth. Designing albums with a fifth, and proofing them with a sixth. Branding your blog images with a seventh, but actually blogging somewhere else again! Each time there's another piece of software to To View More >>

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Click the screenshots to view them full size Workspace is constantly evolving. If you haven't tried it lately you haven't tried it! This week we’re excited to announce that we’ve just upgraded Workspace slideshows for smartphones and tablets. On iOS and Android devices your image collections now display like mobile apps, which on iOS your customer can even install easily on their home screen. Scroll down for demos, and click the big gold button for an introductory offer! Here's the back story... From Day One our goal for Workspace has been to make it super-easy to host and display To View More >>

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It's been a busy year for Queensberry. We've made some minor changes to our classic albums, but the big news has been the launch of Musée and the Queensberry Press. We're big believers in the principle of "Good Better Best" as a way to tempt your clients' wallets and aspirations, and these new ranges reflect that. Beautiful as they are, we understand that our albums are a luxury for most people. The Queensberry Press isn't about albums, however, but books. Books have their own strengths — they can hold more images, they're as comfortable with text as with pictures — but part of their appeal To View More >>

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Hello dears It was a busy day at the office getting out v1.49, which fixes a few problems that surfaced in v1.48. But the most exciting thing is that we also published the resources for the Queensberry Press v2.0. The new books are gorgeous. Oh dear, I nearly forgot – Queensberry is offering half price on all Press Books until the 6th of May 2011. Click here for more! Wrap up well! Love, Nanny PS You can check out the list of fixes on the Photojunction software update notification screen. To View More >>

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Last Friday NZT Stephen, Danny and Ian ran an impromptu webinar to introduce the Queensberry Press and demonstrate how to design the books. This excerpt concentrates on the "how-to". Much of the new functionality is behind the scenes (eg built-in colour management to convert the exported layouts to the printer colour space) but Danny concentrates on the process, especially how to specify the books and design the covers. Click here to watch it full screen. Cheers, Ian To View More >>

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